Bewerbungsformular für Interessenten am Auslandsfreiwilligen-Programm
/ Application-form for HUMANA People to People Development Instructors

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Date of birth:

Phone / fax and e-mail:

Preferred country to work in:

Preferred starting date for the programme:

How did you hear about the programme:

Please answer the following questions:

1. What are you currently doing?

2. Why would you like to become a development instructor? What are your expectations. What would you like to accomplish?

3. Please list your experiences and any skills which you could think could be utilised and developed in the programme.

4. What questions do you have about the work in Africa / Asia?

5. What questions do you have about the education to become a development instructor?

6. Do you have or have you had any health problems?

7. For some, the initial challenge is to raise money to pay the course and travel fees. What are your plans for saving money and how could we be of assistance?